Unique trail toil in the east Slovakia

Belo found all the inclined planes around the Košice and connected them with a curved line, and Východniarska stovka was created. But that was just the beginning.

Východniarska 100

  • Almost every hill in the vicinity of Košice
  • Totally unnecessarily complicated route
  • 107km / +5320m / 32 hours limit
  • 10.-11. august 2024

Ultra Kras 55

  • By chance, quite a nice route in the Slovak Karst
  • Short ultra, also suitable for adolescent youth and nursing mothers
  • 55km / +2400m / 12 hours
  • April 27, 2024

Short film about V100

Watch the legendary film about the sudden tilt of the plain in the east of Slovakia and its consequences

Here in the east, kilometers have a slightly different weight!

Was heard...

Spätnú väzbu si väčšinou pýtať nemusíme, príde aj sama.

Death in live stream

-survivor of V100

Who invented this? After all, the normal road goes down there!

– Vlado J.

People like me. Nobody beat me.

that's what he thinks

[The route] is very nice, improved from last year. The temperature is also improved. To the extreme.

– Julka B.

If it’s too easy, if it’s flat, people will complain. If it’s hard – they’ll call you a bastard. But they will also love you.

- foreign participant of V100